

“Those who are unable to fast due to hardship must compensate by feeding a needy person.” (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:184)(Fidyah amount for one person in 2025: 180 TL)


المعلومات المفصلة

Fidyah refers to the amount of food that can feed one person for a day, or its equivalent monetary value. This is the same amount prescribed for "Sadaqat al-Fitr" (Fitrah charity). It represents the minimum measure for fidyah. However, those who are able are encouraged to give more, as it is considered more virtuous (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:184; Marghinani, Al-Hidayah, 1/124). In the Holy Qur’an, it is stated: “For those who can only fast with extreme difficulty, they may compensate by feeding a needy person.” (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:184).


Known commonly as "fitr" or "fitrah," Sadaqat al-Fitr is an obligatory charity given as a token of gratitude for being created as a human being and for successfully completing the fasts of Ramadan and reaching the festive occasion of Eid. Every Muslim who is financially capable and reaches the end of the month of Ramadan is required by Islamic law to distribute this charity to specific recipients.




You can submit your fidyah or fitrah payment online by clicking the “Donate” button on the homepage of our website. Alternatively, you can transfer the fidyah-fitr amount to our bank account numbers. After making the transfer, please include your phone number in the description field and specify “fidyah-fitr” so we can confirm your transaction with you.


If you’d like, you can also call our support center at 0312 283 00 00 or 0312 261 38 38 to speak with a live representative and receive detailed guidance.


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مشاريع تبرع مماثلة